David Restrepo LIVE on Survive & Live Well

David Restrepo, licensed Pharmacist and owner of VitaHealth Apothecary, was recently featured by Elyn Jacobs on a live radio interview on the All Cancer Network. Elyn has her own blog – Survive and Live Well, where you will find tips to treat and beat cancer! Her encounter with breast cancer propelled her on a life-changing course. One that took her from the darkness of cancer to empowering women to find the best treatment and team for their cancer, and to move on to a life of wellness. Continue reading

Real Stories by real clients Carlos Melia

Read and follow Carlos Melia’s self experiences following Vitahealth Apothecary Protocols created by David Restrepo. Carlos is a renown Luxury Travel Blogger and Curator who has set himself to our professional care for the last 3 month. He blogs about the products and his progress. Check his section on Health & Beauty. VH Continue reading

Glut Immune the finest Glutamine

Nutritionally supports immune function, muscle repair and intestinal health. Ian a class of its own, a naturally superior source of Glutamine. Glutamine is the most prevalent amino acid in our body, helping prevent muscle breakdown. There is increasing evidence that systemic Glutamine functions as an important biosynthesis precursor in intestinal cells by supporting syntesis of Glutathione. Continue reading